Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
What is PEMF
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​Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy is a soothing and restorative treatment that energizes cells, promoting overall wellness.[1,4,5] By supplying cells with the energy they need to function optimally, PEMF helps your animal thrive. ​​
Studies show that PEMF may:
Optimize Animal Wellness Non-Invasively[1]
PEMF technology harnesses the power of electromagnetic fields to energize cells without invasive procedures. Pulse’s innovative Animal Loops deliver targeted PEMF therapy to the body’s surface, amplifying natural energy flow and promoting optimal cellular function for enhanced overall wellness

Increase Range of Motion[7,8]
Studies on animals have shown that PEMF therapy can reduce inflammation and improve circulation. These benefits may lead to increased muscle flexibility, greater range of motion, and smoother movement. Whether it’s a pet, livestock animal, or athlete, PEMF can provide a natural energy boost to enhance performance, agility, and overall well-being.
Generate Natural Cellular Energy[6,7]
Just as batteries need recharging, so does our bodies’ cells as they can become depleted by environmental stress. PEMF therapy directly replenishes cellular energy, which can then be harnessed by the body to boost overall vitality

Natural Support for Healthy Joint and Cartilage Function[9,10]
Studies on animals have shown that PEMF therapy can stimulate the production of calcium and collagen. As animal athletes, working animals, and larger breeds age, their joints can experience significant wear and tear. By promoting the production of these essential nutrients, PEMF can help maintain joint health and mobility, allowing older animals to continue thriving.
Assist with Muscle Fatigue & Discomfort After Exercise[3]
Studies have shown that PEMF therapy can reduce muscle soreness, minimizing downtime and keeping animals active and happy. By boosting energy levels and aiding recovery, PEMF is an ideal complement to training programs for high-performance animals, livestock, and pets alike.

​Support General Relaxation[4,5]
Many animals find PEMF therapy to be soothing and restorative. In fact, studies have shown that PEMF can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, inducing a “rest and digest” response similar to that of acupuncture.
​​[1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]For more information about the citations referenced, visit info.pulsepemf.com/research or check out The Science Behind PEMF.